Dienstag, 1. Oktober 2013

Togawa Jun

[Album] Tamahime-sama [21.01.1984]
1. Doto no Ren'ai (怒濤の恋愛; Equal Romance)
2. Teinen Pushiganga (諦念プシガンガ; Singing and Dancing Resignation)
3. Konchugun (昆虫軍; Military Insects)
4. Yuumon no Giga (憂悶の戯画; Caricature of Distress)
5. Tonari no Indojin (隣りの印度人; The Next Indian People)
6. Tamahime-sama (玉姫様; Princess Tama)
7. Mori no Hitobito (森の人々; People of the Forest)
8. Odorenai (踊れない; Don't Dance)
9. Mushi no Onna (蛹化の女; Pupating Woman)

[Mini Album] Tokyo no Yaban [25.04.1987]
1. Sayonara wo Oshiete (さよならをおしえて; Teach Me Goodbye)
2. Umi Yakara (海ヤカラ; Fellow Sea)
3. Boshi Jusei (母子受精; Star Fertilization)
4. Teinen Pushiganga (諦念プシガンガ; Singing and Dancing Resignation )
5. Mushi no Onna (蛹化の女; Pupating Woman)
6. Punk Mushi no Onna (パンク蛹化の女; Punk Pupating Woman)
7. Osozaki Girl (遅咲きガール; Late Blooming Girl)
8. Kyokuto Ian Shoka (極東慰安唱歌; Far Eastern Comfort Songs)
9. Gankyu Kitan (眼球奇譚; Strange Eye Ballad)
10. Tamahime-sama (玉姫様; Princess Tama)
11. Radar Man (レーダーマン)
12. Doto no Ren'ai (怒濤の恋愛; Equal Romance)

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